It was such a pleasure to be with guitarist Sharon Isbin and conductor Elizabeth Askren following the Orchestra of St. Luke’s performance of some of my works at National Sawdust.
Sharon Isbin and I with recording engineer Gintas Norvila after an editing session of our album of Latin music to come!
Ready to record my Miami Concerto for Guitar and Chamber Orchestra with guitarist Sharon Isbin and conductor Enrico Lopez-Yanez.
What a wonderful performance of “Lonely Brass” yesterday by the New York Philharmonic Brass Quintet in Palm Beach.
Right before Sleepover at the Symphony at the Kennedy Center
Sleepover at the Museum at the Kennedy Center with conductor Michelle Merrill and narrator Laura Coates
New York Philharmonic performance of Sleepover at the Museum, March 7, 2020
Sleepover at the Museum with the New York Philharmonic
Sleepover at the Museum announcement at Lincoln Center
With Maestro Eduardo Marturet ahead of The Miami Symphony Orchestra's premiere of Karen's piano concerto
with conductor Ankush Kumar Bahl and narrator Jamie Bernstein (Sleepover at the Museum)
With Yoonie Han, the soloist for Karen's piano concerto
Sleepover at the Museum with the New York Philharmonic
Sleepover at the Museum with the New York Philharmonic
with David Bucs, illustrator of Sleepover at the Museum
with New York Philharmonic President & CEO Deborah Borda speaking at a luncheon following the performance of Sleepover at the Museum
Sleepover at the Museum at the 23rd Beijing Music Festival
Sleepover at the Museum at the 23rd Beijing Music Festival, Yong Mei narrates in Mandarin
Sleepover at the Museum at the 23rd Beijing Music Festival, Yong Mei narrates in Mandarin
Sleepover at the Museum at the 23rd Beijing Music Festival, Li Biao conducts
Sleepover at the Museum at Festival Napa Valley
Sleepover at the Museum with the Missoula Symphony
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Actors on stage portraying Sleepover at the Museum in Missoula
Missoula Symphony musicians performing Sleepover at the Museum
Sleepover at the Museum with the Missoula Symphony
Children attending the New York Philharmonic performance were greeted by "butterflies"
Sleepover at the Museum with the Missoula Symphony
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra performance of Sleepover at the Museum, June 1, 2021
Sleepover at the Museum in Shanghai on June 1, 2021, Chen Yanhua (Sister Swallow) narrates
Audience members at Sleepover at the Museum in Shanghai on June 1, 2021
Sleepover at the Museum rehearsal with the New York Philharmonic
Sleepover at the Museum rehearsal with the New York Philharmonic
String Serenade in Shanghai Chamber Music Hall
Schubertia at Sawdust
Oboe and Horn Concerto in Shanghai
A Bite of the Apple with the New York Philharmonic in Shanghai
West Coast premiere of A Bite of the Apple at Festival Napa Valley
Sleepover at the Museum rehearsal with the New York Philharmonic
Musicale at home
New York Philharmonic brass at Make Music New York
Recording in Budapest
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Rehearsal for Prelude with Sejong Soloists at Lincoln Center
Orchestrated Op. 1 No. 1 with the Miami Symphony
Sleepover at the Museum at Festival Napa Valley
After New York Philharmonic's performance of A Bite of the Apple with conductor Case Scaglione
Urban Tango with Na Sun and Helene Jeanney
Questa Via with Nadine Sierra and Jonathan Teleman at Festival Napa Valley
with Gloriosa Trio
at the Missoula Symphony
in Napa Valley
(L to R) with Festival Napa Valley Vice President & Director of Artistic Charles Letourneau; pianist Audrey Vardanega; cellist Wendy Sutter
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Sleepover at the Museum in Miami
Book party at the American Museum of Natural History with President Ellen Futter
Sleepover at the Museum reading at a New York Public Library branch
Sleepover at the Museum reading at the New York Public Library
Sleepover at the Museum reading at the New York Public Library
Sleepover at the Museum reading at the Corner Bookstore
Sleepover at the Museum reading at the Corner Bookstore
Sleepover at the Museum reading at the Corner Bookstore
Sleepover at the Museum in Los Angeles
Sleepover at the Museum reading at a New York Public Library branch with illustrator David Bucs
Sleepover at the Museum reading at a New York Public Library branch
Sleepover at the Museum reading at a New York Public Library branch
Sleepover at the Museum reading at a New York Public Library branch
Sleepover at the Museum reading at a New York Public Library branch
Sleepover at the Museum reading at LA Museum
Sleepover at the Museum reading at LA Museum
Sleepover at the Museum reading at LA Museum
Sleepover at the Museum reading at LA Museum
Sleepover at the Museum reading at the Corner Bookstore
Best in Show
Best in Show reading in New York
Wendell at Best in Show book party in New York
Best in Show reading in New York
Best in Show reading in Palm Beach
Jake the Ballet Dog party
Jake the Ballet Dog party
Jake the Ballet Dog party
Jake the Philharmonic Dog party
Richie Norton and Jake